Cleverclip Logo
6 Min read

Explainer Video Benefits: Why You Should Embrace Explainer Videos Too

Explainer videos have become indispensable in today's digital world. They are a crucial tool for effectively and clearly explaining complex content. Explainer videos offer you the ability to convey complicated information in a simple and engaging manner, making them an essential part of many companies' marketing strategies. Whether in technology, healthcare, education, or retail – explainer videos provide a versatile solution for presenting information and reaching target audiences.

3 Min read

Swim like the big ones – an explanatory video for Swiss Aquatics

Das Kids Learn to Swim Programm von Swiss Aquatics ist ein effizientes und kreatives Ausbildungssystem, welches Kinder motiviert, sich im Wasser zu bewegen, sie spielerisch weiterbringt und den Spass und die Lust am Nass weckt. Dieses Angebot durften wir in einem Erklärvideo festhalten. Besonders spannend: Zielgruppen gab es gleich zwei: die Kinder und ihre Eltern. 

7 Min read

User Experience (UX) in Marketing

User Experience (UX) plays a critical role in marketing. A positive UX can help users identify with a product or brand and remain loyal. On the other hand, a negative UX can lead to frustration and dislike, thus affecting the brand image. To ensure optimal UX, the needs and expectations of the target group must […]

Corporate Design
6 Min read

How we work

We are all storytellers. When we embark on a project, we are in fact preparing for a battle. Because it's a big challenge to take a complex idea and turn it into results. It is a difficult process.

Corporate Design
6 Min read

What exactly is corporate design?

The importance of corporate design in today's business world should not be underestimated. A well-thought-out and consistently implemented corporate design can strengthen a company's image, increase brand awareness and boost customer confidence in the company or organization. It should ensure that the company stands out from its competitors and emphasizes its uniqueness.

Content Marketing
11 Min read

Content Marketing: Your Ultimate Guide

Welcome to the fascinating world of content marketing! Do you sometimes feel a little unsettled when it comes to content marketing? Don’t worry, we’ll be your guide and guide you through the jungle of content marketing. Get ready for an exciting journey where we will discover everything important about this brilliant marketing strategy together! What […]

Explainer Video
5 Min read

The right music for your explainer video

Music and sound effects for your explainer video Clearly, the audio track is very important in any video. It is what gives the film that certain something. Thanks to it, you can understand what is said in the video. And this allows the viewer to get more involved in the action. In addition, the film […]

Roboter paint Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci
Creative Process
5 Min read

DALL-E simply explained

An astronaut on a horse or a sea otter in the style of “The Girl with the Pearl Earring” – to create such graphics, designers usually need several hours. “DALL-E”, an artificial intelligence (AI) tool from OpenAI, generates these images in seconds. Find out what DALL-E is, how it works and how to use it […]

erklärvideo selber machen
Explainer Video
10 Min read

How to create an explainer video (+ top 8 software)

So you want to create an explainer video – but are now faced with the big question of how to proceed? Then you’ve come to the right place! We explain whether and how you can create an explainer video yourself, what to consider, what software is available and much more!   Content What is an […]

Creative Process
3 Min read

Instagram video formats 2022: specifications and examples

Instagram is an ideal platform for sharing visual content. In addition to pictures, you can also upload videos to give your followers even more insights into your life or business. In this article, we explain which video format is best suited for Instagram. We also show you which specifications Instagram has for videos. Content Which […]

Play Button Videoformate
Explainer Video
5 Min read

Comparison of common video formats – which is the best?

What video formats are there? And which is the best video format? Mov, MP4, MPEG, AVI and Co. – we present common video formats, explain the respective advantages and disadvantages and show which video format makes sense when. Whether it’s an explanatory video or an image film, an e-learning video or a testimonial film. With […]

Buntes Bild zu Storytelling
Content Marketing
5 Min read

What storytelling is and how it engages us

We are glued to the lips of the storyteller, a shiver runs down our spine and we simply can’t blink any more – that is the effect of good storytelling. In our international, Anglicised world, this is called storytelling. Content What is storytelling? Tips for good storytelling Storytelling within the company Storytelling in marketing and […]

Person schaut sich Lernplattformen an
Interactive Content
4 Min read

What is Rich Media? Rich Media Banner Ads explained

Rich media is a form of digital advertising that is characterised by its interactivity. Video, audio or other elements are used to attract the attention of users and motivate them to interact. In this article, we will go into more detail on the topic and explain what rich media is and how you can place […]

Responsive webdesign
Presentation Design
8 Min read

Responsive web design: The ultimate guide

We encounter Responsive Web Design countless times every day without realising it. Our own website, the email client for work and the news app on our smartphone are just a few examples. How to create a Responsive Website and what you should consider are questions that we as a web design agency want to address […]

Thumbnail illustration
Creative Process
10 Min read

How to create really good thumbnails

Thumbnails are the small images that serve as thumbnails or previews on websites and YouTube. Why you need thumbnails, how you create thumbnails and which programs help you to create them, we will explain in this article. Content What is a thumbnail? Why do I need thumbnails? What makes a successful thumbnail? Examples of thumbnails […]

Person schaut sich Lernplattformen an
Digital Learning
6 Min read

What is a learning platform?

A learning platform is a type of software that enables teachers to create and deliver courses online. It can also be used for education and training, e-learning or digital learning in companies. Do you also want to offer e-learning in your company? Cleverclip can help you choose the right learning platform and create and deliver […]

Der Geschäftsbericht als Marketing Tool
12 Min read

Creating an annual report: The Ultimate Guide

And every year the annual report greets us. For many Swiss companies, the annual report is obligatory and therefore we dedicate an article to it. We take a look at the content and structure of an annual report. How to create it correctly and which design fits to it. We also go into the modern […]

Erklärvideo Trends für 2022
Explainer Video
6 Min read

Top 10 explainer trends for 2022

As we did with the explainer trends 2021, we also went on a search for this year. We looked for the explainer video trends that are either very popular right now or have been promising success for years. Explainer videos are our lifeblood and therefore we don’t want to say much more and get straight […]

E-Learning macht Lernen zum Erlebnis und punktet mit erhöhtem Lerneffekt
Digital Learning
11 Min read

E-Learning: Definition, advantages and tips

E-learning has become a buzzword in companies. In the context of courses or further training, one hears again and again about the advantages of online media. There are also many training courses that are based on e-learning. With this article, we want to offer you a definition of e-learning and provide in-depth insights into various […]

E-Learning-Plattformen machen das digitale Lernen zum Erlebnis
Digital Learning
9 Min read

The best e-learning platforms 2022

E-learning platforms are more in demand than ever. As an e-learning agency, we want to present you the best e-learning platforms in this blog article. We paid special attention to e-learning platforms for businesses, so you can get something concrete right away. We won’t go into further detail about e-learning in general and e-learning videos […]

Top Webdesign Trends 2022
8 Min read

Top 9 Webdesign Trends in 2022

Technology is changing every day. We are not only talking about computers, software or consoles. We’re also talking about web design. Every year, new opportunities seem to open up. Some persist and others peter out. As we did with the Web Design Trends 2021, we set out to find the trends this year as well. […]

Die Balanced Scorecard als Management Tool für eine übersichtliche Strategie
7 Min read

Balanced Scorecard: Guidance and Examples

With a balanced scorecard, you break down your strategy to concrete metrics. Developing a strategy is one thing. Communicating it is something else entirely. Many companies fail to transform employees from stakeholders to participants. As a result, goals are not achieved and expectations are not met. A successful strategy implementation brings the corporate strategy to […]

Strategy Map als Management Tool für Unternehmenserfolg
8 Min read

With the strategy map to corporate success

Communicating a strategy is an art in itself – this is where the Strategy Map helps. Most people have been through a meeting on a new corporate strategy in the course of their career. The success of this meeting has usually been reflected in the behavior of the employees. If their day-to-day was the same […]

Unternehmensstrategie als Metapher für die Navigation in den Meeren
12 Min read

Corporate strategy simply explained

Dominant competitors, stagnating and burgeoning markets, redistribution of customer needs – for a company management there can be no coincidences and short-term successes. If you want to survive on the market, you have to think and act in the long term and in several dimensions. For this, you need a manual, a guide in which […]

Strategiekommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter mittels Social Media und interaktivem Webdesign
12 Min read

What is strategy communication?

Strategy communication must not be confused with communication strategy or even corporate strategy. Strategy communication focuses entirely on the question, “How do we communicate our corporate strategy to our employees so that they understand it and act on it?” With corporate strategy, you give your company a direction, a goal. And you clearly define why […]

Landing Pages
7 Min read

Website ideas and inspiration

Creating a webpage is not everyone’s cup of tea. But often you just can’t avoid it – because a successful brand without an online presence is hardly imaginable nowadays.  However, a webpage should by no means simply be a boring presentation of dry facts, but rather put your brand in the spotlight. How to do […]

Interactive Content
3 Min read

Web design trends 2021

Today, websites are a dime a dozen. To be precise, there are 1.72 billion websites floating around the world. This probably comes as little surprise in an age in which marketing is predominantly done digitally. So running a business website isn’t exactly a masterpiece, but rather a basic requirement to somehow be spotted. However, in […]

6 Min read

What is Motion Design? Graphic Design explained

Time and again, I mention “motion graphics” as a style used in our use cases. For us as a creative agency, such terms almost go without saying and our designers are professionals in this field anyway. But not for everyone this term is as accessible. That’s why today I’m going to be a little more […]

Digital Design
5 Min read

What exactly is digital design?

UX design, motion design, graphic design, digital design – to a layperson, they all sound kind of the same. Maybe that’s partly because everything is somehow related to each other. While I went into more detail about motion design in my last article, today I’d like to define “digital design” in more detail. What exactly […]