Top 10 explainer trends for 2022
Marc Bachofner, April 8, 2022· Explainer Video
As we did with the explainer trends 2021, we also went on a search for this year. We looked for the explainer video trends that are either very popular right now or have been promising success for years.
Explainer videos are our lifeblood and therefore we don’t want to say much more and get straight to the trends.
Top 10 explainer trends 2022
Explainer Trend #1: Product advertising
Product advertising remains one of the most popular types of video. No wonder we put it in the explainer video trends 2022. The goal of a product video is pretty simple: market a product or service. But as simple as the goal, as difficult the path.
With the product video, you want to convince potential customers to follow your call-to-action. Means that your advertising must be made targeted. And that in turn means that there are an infinite number of types of product videos.
One audience needs to be picked up in the first three seconds, another is more gracious and gives you 30 seconds or even a minute. Of course, where viewers are watching the video also matters here. At a trade show you can take your time, on social media not really.
The diversity in product advertising is also what makes it so interesting, because there are always new trendsetters or simply those with the right nose.
Explainer Trend #2: Vertical Videos
Portrait videos, or vertical videos, have become increasingly popular with the rise of social media. They show how we have adapted to the smartphone portrait culture.
swap the F1 track for the snow and this is what you get ❄ #redbull #givesyouwiiings #f1 #wintersports #snow
The best-known and most widespread social media worldwide is TikTok. There are now 500 million monthly active users on the platform. This is a market that modern companies cannot afford to ignore.
Powerful in many ways, including electric. #MercedesAMG #AMGgoesE #AMGSpirit #ElectricFoundItsPower #fyp
Of course, TikTok is just one of the many social media. The fact remains: If you’re creating a video for your marketing campaign, you need to know your channel intimately and whether your target audience prefers portrait or landscape.
Explainer Trend #3: Personalized Videos
Personalized videos are closer to us. But personalization also varies from case to case. Maybe concert ticket holders get a video tailored to the concert. Or a company makes video cards personalized to businesses, like we do. Or a video for an event that’s coming up.
Personalized videos get closer to us. Even an email that starts with “Dear XY” rather than “Good afternoon” speaks to us more. Now imagine a video, that sequence of complex images and animations and sounds, speaks directly to you. It makes you want more. So it’s a perfect format for an explainer video.
Of course, a cropped video is just one kind of personalized video. A personalized video can also be a video that everyone in attendance at a concert sees. Or a company, like us, makes personalized video cards for potential customers. The list could go on forever now.
The big advantage of personalized videos is the closeness to the viewers. Either you already have a common interest, or you’re doing everything you can to build a bond.
Explainer Trend #4: Live Streaming
Live streaming is clearly one of our explainer video trends. As with personalized videos, there are many different subtypes here.
Unpackings by influencers have become a big trend, especially in the B2C sector. As a company, you send an influencer a product and he unpacks it live in front of a crowd of viewers. Or a product launch is broadcast live, as Apple has been doing for years.
During the Corona pandemic, many events and even artists also realized the power of live streaming and immediately took advantage of it. It’s hard to say whether virtual events will be able to sustain themselves. There is potential for small, specific events, but large events will not switch to virtual-only anytime soon.
Explainer Trend #5: Focus Videos
Known from advertising banners of numerous companies is the focus video. One of our favorites and a clear explainer video trend. The focus video takes a product and presents it in a false reality. Sounds pretty abstract, so again, the focus video uses a photo or animation of the product and places it in an otherwise digital video.
Why the focus video works? We see the product in the spotlight. Usually, the products stand out in the video. But you can also incorporate the product into the story. This way you clearly show what your product is capable of. All doors are open to you and the best thing about it: You don’t lose any recognition value, no matter which story you choose.
Explainer Trend #6: Key words
A good presentation has only a few keywords per slide – the same is true in videos. The explainer video trend keywords is about videos that persuade viewers with precisely placed words.
The beauty of catchphrases is that they demonstrate the power of just a few words. You can give a video a completely different character with just a few words. Or you can direct the focus of the video very precisely and support the image layer.
Explainer Trend #7: Teaser
A teaser is a short video that is simply meant to arouse curiosity or create hype. Sounds efficient to get attention. It is!
Film or series teasers usually trigger a hype, because people analyze everything and give all their theories and ideas to the best.
You can also use teasers for your product or service. Arouse people’s curiosity and let them catch a first glimpse. The more questions they ask about your product, the better.
Explainer Trend #8: E-Learning Videos
E-learning videos are very popular. There are many possible applications for them, especially for onboarding, as they can be watched regardless of time and place. But there is also potential for internal training or user manuals.
E-learning videos became the explainer video trend a few years ago. They have since established themselves and will certainly not leave us in the next few years.
For more on e-learning, check out this blog article. And if you want to know more about e-learning platforms, we recommend this article here. What makes e-learning videos particularly efficient is the combination with other media. You can use an e-learning video in a workshop, for example, or use it as part of a presentation. The learning effect is the greatest with combined media, the e-learning video will secure you the attention of your audience.
Explainer Trend #9: Kombi
A combi is a hybrid video. It combines digital elements with real film to get the best of both worlds.
The real film usually includes one or more people. They may or may not be speaking to the audience. No matter what the exact action is, a real person automatically gives the viewer confidence and builds a connection.
The digital elements can do anything, just like in common explainer videos. There are no limits. Of course, you should use the digital elements to support your message. After all, viewers need to understand your video so that you can convince them of a message.
We have recognized that combi videos have become increasingly popular in recent years. Especially internal videos are gladly made with the face of a known employee to build a connection right away. But the industry also plays a role, because insurance companies and banks also rely more on complete real films or combi videos for customer acquisition in recent years.
Explainer Trend #10: Rotoscoping
Imagine holding a piece of paper over a photo, pressing both against a window, and hoping for sunshine to trace the photo on the paper. That’s kind of how rotoscoping works.
Rotoscopy is a type of animation that involves tracing a real film shot. Of course, with today’s technology, we don’t have to trace all the individual frames, we can make our lives easier with appropriate tools.
Rotoscopy has made it into our explainer video trends because we are seeing more and more videos or even photos that take advantage of this concept. As mentioned, suitable tools can create a rotoscoped video at the push of a button, paving the way. We are curious to see if and how rotoscoping will be used commercially and how it will evolve.
Conclusion explainer trends 2022
There are very many changes around us. Explainer videos are no exception. Some trends have been following us for a few years, others are new. The important thing is to stay open and active so that no trend passes us by. Whether we want to use a trend or not is another question, but every trend should be recognized and analyzed.
Now you got our update on the explainer video trends 2022. And if you’re wondering what’s going on in web design, check out our blog article on web design trends.